Spring Equinox: A Time for Renewal and Wellness Rituals
Ah, spring—the season of renewal, growth, and balance! With the Spring Equinox just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to set new intentions, embrace nature’s beauty, and focus on your mental and emotional well-being. The Spring Equinox occurs when day and night are equal in length, symbolizing a time [more]
Poppy Lifecare Announces Partnership with Soluna
Poppy Lifecare Announces Partnership with Soluna to Expand Free and Affordable Integrative Wellbeing and Comprehensive Mental Health Services for Youth and Young Adults** Poppy Life Care, a leader in integrative wellness, is excited to announce its partnership with Soluna, an innovative digital mental health support platform funded by the California [more]
Nourish Your Body: February’s Path to Wellness
February is often seen as a month of love and connection, a season of blossoming affection. This year, let’s beautifully extend that love to ourselves. Nourishing your body isn’t just about what you eat—it’s about how you move, rest, and treat your physical self with kindness and respect. Let this [more]
Grounding and New Beginnings: Starting January with Intention
As we step into January, the air is rich with the promise of new beginnings. This month invites us to not only reflect on our past but also to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Grounding ourselves during this time can be a profound way to understand who we are [more]
Celebrating the Winter Solstice: A Wholesome Guide to Seasonal Living
At the onset of the winter solstice, we find ourselves at a magical crossroads, where the longest night invites us to slow down, reflect, and connect with our inner selves. At Poppy Life Care, we believe in the power of seasonal living to enhance our health and well-being and are [more]
Poppy Life Care Receives IPP Capacity Building Grant from CalOptima Health
Poppy Life Care is the leading provider of Integrative Holistic Mental Health and Wellness services in Orange County. We are excited to announce that we have received an IPP capacity-building grant from CalOptima Health. The grant will further help enhance the quality and accessibility of mental health services in Orange [more]
Poppy Life Care: Redefining Integrative Holistic Care
With a very consistent approach to mental health and wellness, Erica introduces a comprehensive range of integrative holistic modalities designed to complement traditional therapy. Poppy Life Care is in the pursuit of accessible, affordable, and insurance-covered alternative care solutions to individuals seeking comprehensive mental health support. At Poppy Life [more]
Prioritizing Mental Safety in the Workplace: The Impact on Employee Wellbeing and Productivity
Mental safety is a critical aspect of workplace safety, as mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression can have a significant impact on employee well-being and workplace productivity. Statistics show that mental health issues are prevalent in the workplace, with nearly 20% of adults in the U.S. experiencing [more]
Can ADHD Cause Depression and Anxiety?
Mental health disorders often occur alongside a broad spectrum of other mental and physical health conditions. For many individuals, emotional instability can manifest in other parts of the body, producing symptoms that—on the surface—may seem unrelated to the original diagnosis. This is especially true for those suffering from attention-deficit [more]
How to Deal with Stress at Work
Workplace stress does more than kill productivity. It also wrecks your employee’s health. Studies link workplace stress to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Workplace stress impacts mental health by increasing anxiety, burnout, and depression. Stress can also feed on itself, increasing over time—when [more]
Unveiling the Nuances Between Social Anxiety and Autism: A Holistic Perspective
Many individuals struggle with social anxiety and autism. These conditions can present with similar symptoms, such as difficulty with social interaction and communication. However, they are distinct disorders with different underlying causes and treatment approaches. Autism and anxiety are related in that anxiety is a common co-occurring condition in [more]
Embracing Neurodiversity: Holistic Ideas for Autism Acceptance Month
April is Autism Acceptance Month, a time to celebrate the diversity and unique strengths of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It's an opportunity to raise awareness and understanding about this neurodivergent condition. Research has shown that although autism is often diagnosed early in life, gender can have a [more]
Red Food Dye and Its link to Hyperactivity and ADHD Symptoms
Red Food Dye 40 is a synthetic dye made from petroleum that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in food products. More cost-effective, easy to produce, and uniform in color, Red 40 has replaced many natural red food dyes, which are more susceptible to [more]
Study Promotes Breathing Practices for Stress & Anxiety; SoCal entrepreneur shares best practices
Poppy Life Care, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and families facing health challenges, is promoting the use of breathing practices to relieve stress and anxiety. A new study published in Cell Reports Medicine shows that specific breathing techniques can help reduce stress and improve [more]
Luck, Manifestation or Mindfulness and How Each Can Change Your Future
Are they just lucky or did they manifest that life? In the majority of cases, it’s about being aware of yourself and your resources in order to keep yourself present in the moment. Practicing mindfulness might just be the best way to achieve our goals. Can Luck, Manifestation or Mindfulness [more]
Poppy Life Care Highlights the Link Between Stress and Cognitive Health
Poppy Life Care, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and families facing health challenges, is raising awareness about the link between stress and cognitive health. A new study published in JAMA Network Open shows that chronic stress can have negative effects on cognitive health, including [more]
Our CEO and Founder, Erica Solis, has been featured in the spring edition of Newport Beach Magazine
Erica Solis, the Founder and CEO of Poppy Life Care, has been featured in the spring edition of Newport Beach Magazine. The article highlights the Poppy Life Care' Foundation's commitment to advocating for healthcare equity, educational opportunities, and emotional support for families in need. The feature sheds light on [more]
RVN Television’s The Advocates Features Poppy Life Care Founder Erica Solis
On February 15, 2023, Poppy Life Care Founder & CEO Erica Solis was featured on RVN Television’s The Advocates, where she was invited to speak about Poppy Life Care’s groundbreaking efforts to increase access to mental and physical holistic health services for patients of all ages and backgrounds. [more]
Poppy Life Care Partners with Rocket Doctor to Support Mental Health in Underserved Populations
Poppy Life Care announces its partnership with Rocket Doctor, a groundbreaking digital healthcare platform offering comprehensive remote healthcare to Medicaid patients across rural and underserved communities in the United States and across Canada. With this new partnership, Poppy Life Care will now provide holistic mental and physical healthcare support [more]
Holistic Wellness for Couples = The Best, Most Relaxing Valentine’s Day Ever
Valentine's Day is a special time of the year when we celebrate love and affection. However, with all the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to forget to take care of ourselves and our relationships. This year, why not try a more holistic approach to Valentine's Day [more]
New Study Shows Mindfulness Therapy as Effective as Anxiety Medication
The results are in and studies show daily mindfulness techniques offer the same anxiety and depression relief as prescription anti-anxiety medications. On November 9, 2022, researchers at JAMA Psychiatry published the results of their study comparing the anxiety-relieving properties of mindfulness therapy with the generic drug form of Lexapro, [more]
Wellness Strategies To Overcome Anxiety and Depression
What causes depression and anxiety? What is the difference between anxiety and depression? How can you help someone cope with anxiety and depression? If you are struggling with anxiety and depression, you should know that you are not alone and how you feel is not permanent. Many people overcome [more]
Can a “Sunbath” Cheer you Up
Sunlight is vital to nearly all living things, us included. Aside from giving warmth and light, the sun nourishes us with essential nutrients that our bodies need to function. A lack of exposure to sunlight can lead to complications with your health and even affect your mood and outlook. While [more]
5 Ways to Relieve Anxiety During the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a stressful time of the year for many people. Whether we’re preparing for events with friends and family or adjusting to the uptick in work at our jobs, the late fall and early winter come with their fair share of stressors that can make it [more]
Poppy Life Care Voted 2022 Top-Rated Nonprofit
We are honored to share with you that Poppy Life Care has again been ranked as one of the top-rated nonprofits by GreatNonProfits, the premiere online platform for nonprofits that features ratings and reviews of over 1 million different charitable organizations. The 2022 Top-Ranked Nonprofit award was granted to organizations [more]
Sweet It Up with Honey
Honey is getting a lot of buzz these days. It’s a syrupy liquid that honeybees make from plant nectar. Beloved worldwide for its sweetness and depth of flavor, honey is used in many foods and recipes. The smell, color, and taste of different kinds of honey can vary greatly and [more]
Spice it Up- Ginger and Turmeric
Ginger and turmeric are two healthy-food rock stars. They are two types of flowering plants and two of the most extensively studied ingredients in herbal medicine. Interestingly, both have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, ranging from migraines to chronic inflammation and fatigue. Both have also [more]
Supporting Your Wellness & Brain Health – Poppy Life Care
Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in health and wellness but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Erica Solis, Founder, and CEO of Poppy Life Care, located in Newport Beach, CA, USA. https://gosolo.subkit.com/poppy-life-care/
Aromatherapy for Depression
Picture it, that calming feeling of a stress-free environment. With our busy lifestyles, it seems that this is unachievable with the hustle and bustle of work and family. Did you know that 16 million Americans deal with some sort of Depression from major depression to seasonal effective disorder? Depression is [more]
Helping Kids Cope With Grief
By C.B. Fosbrink It’s a tough conversation. Grief. Grief is difficult for adults to deal with, especially if the death of someone you love is unexpected. Unfortunately, approximately 2.5 million people pass annually, leaving on average five people grieving the loss (Krull, 2020). The most difficult time, experts suggest, is [more]
Dealing With Road Bumps On Your Personal Health Journey
By Isabel Nguyen It’s hard to work on yourself. Whether you have been trying to exercise more, improve your diet, decrease anxiety, be more mindful, or something else, it takes a lot of effort and the only person keeping you accountable is you. It can be especially difficult when you [more]
Do Men Experience “PMS”?
By Shelly Xu Although most people now accept that women and men have “male” and “female” hormones, it is more difficult to accept that men also have hormonal cycles. According to endocrinologist Dr. Estelle Ramey, professor at Georgetown University Medical School, “The evidence of them may be less dramatic, but [more]
Feeling Fidgety, try an Anxiety Ring
by C.B. Fosbrink According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is the most common mental illness which affects 40 million adults (2021). It is a fear of worrying, nervousness or feeling uneasy, specifically in certain situations. There are ways to relieve the effects of anxiety such as [more]
Returning to In-Person School for Kids with Autism
Going back to school can already be difficult for children on the spectrum but with the return of in-person school, this school year may be especially difficult. Many children on the spectrum have trouble adjusting to change and this year will be full of it. Here are some steps you [more]
Moving Your Child on the Spectrum to a More Nutritional Diet
It is very common for children with autism to be selective with their food. This can make it difficult for parents to encourage a varied and balanced diet. When moving your child to a more nutritional diet, you should keep in mind that common foods may have toxins and that [more]
ADHD and Emotions: Helping Your Child Build Emotional Resilience
When thinking of ADHD symptoms, most people think of attention problems and fidgetiness. They don’t often think of trouble regulating emotions. Dr. Russell Barkley explains that scientifically, people with ADHD cannot regulate their emotions like neurotypical people can. They struggle with the mental processes known as executive functions. In the [more]
Autism Just Is
In an article published by The Guardian in 2019 Ellen Jones describes the way autism is represented in popular media. In reference to shows like Atypical on Netflix, she writes: What we are seeing in mainstream media is not a true reflection of autism. We are, instead, seeing what neurotypical [more]
Relaxation Kits for Kids: Keeping it in Perspective
Every adult experiences it: stress with friends, family, life changes or general daily anxieties. Research tells us, as adults, to meditate, journal or even yoga our troubles away. And most adults do recognize and figure out the strategies that work the most effectively for themselves, and may even not need [more]
Super Bloom for Brain Health
https://calbizjournal.com/super-bloom-for-brain-health</ a>
The First Things You Need To Hear After an Autism Diagnosis
By Nathanael Bassett Receiving a diagnosis of autism can cause a lot of different feelings for parents or individuals who always knew there was something a bit “different” going on. For some, it can be affirmation about concerns and questions you always had, for others it can be scary and [more]
Is Your Food Killing You?
Every day your body absorbs thousands of toxins from consumed meals. These can be added chemicals, natural toxins, or toxins that have been modified in some way. You may have heard claims that some common foods or ingredients might be toxic, too. And particularly when consumed frequently, the excess of [more]
“It’s dangerous to go alone!” : Building a community with interventions and support
Learning about a health issue can feel isolating at first. Teaching yourself about these differences and how they will impact you and your loved ones can be a lonely and frustrating uphill battle. Those differences can also create rifts in your existing relationships. Whether or not you receive a diagnosis, [more]
Anxiety in Teenagers: Pushing past the Fear
Remember the age old saying “If you are nervous, picture your audience in their underwear”? It’s common to have the feelings of palms sweating or quick breathing, but are these isms attributed to nervousness or something deeper? The distress of a new situation, one that you fear or worry about [more]
Top Calorie Tracking Apps to Start a New Lifestyle
by Shely Xu, Poppy Life Care Nutritional Program Manager While any successful weight loss method comes down to eating fewer calories and increasing physical activity, many experts and scientific studies point to counting and keeping track of calories as one of the best ways to commit to not only losing the extra [more]
Have a Healthy Halloween!
by Shelly Xu, Poppy Life Care Nutritional Program Manager Halloween is usually a fun day full of costumes, imagination and, of course, tons of candy. The COVID-19 pandemic may mean Halloween will look very different this year; however, there are still some low-risk ways to make your at-home party fun [more]
Check out an article by Amen Clinics on Omega-3s for Behavioral Problems in Children
New Evidence on Omega-3s for Behavioral Problems in Children Kids with behavioral disorders or emotional issues can be so challenging—disruptive, defiant, argumentative, impulsive, inattentive, nervous, negative. Parents know it can be exhausting, frustrating, and stressful. Many parents assume that prescription medication is the only way to improve symptoms that are [more]
What’s Your Bad Habit Brain Type?-Check out an article by Amen Clinics
Foods to Cheer You Up
by Shelly Xu, Poppy Life Care Nutritionist Program Manager When you’re feeling down, it can be tempting to turn to food to lift your spirits. However, the sugary, high-calorie treats that many people crave have negative consequences. On the other hand, certain foods have been shown to improve brain health [more]
Check out an article by Amen Clinics on the impact of COVID-19 on the brain
COVID-Brain: The Lasting Impacts You Haven’t Heard About Two months after beating COVID-19, a 60-year-old woman was experiencing extreme fatigue and depression so severe she was contemplating suicide. In an article for the BBC, the patient’s doctor said the woman experienced ongoing confusion among other bothersome symptoms. The woman told [more]
Working Out for a Cause: How CAZ Training Club Makes Working Out Rewarding
by Martin Villa There are health and personal benefits that a gym membership can bring into your life. When you start attending a morning gym regularly, chances are you are starting down the road to a physically healthy lifestyle. The camaraderie is energizing; even the muscle soreness makes you feel [more]
Taking Yourself To College
by Martin Villa You’ve no doubt heard the saying, “College isn’t for everyone,” and if you’re someone who is neurodiverse or has a learning disability, maybe you think that’s true for you. But whether you are an A student or a student for whom nothing about getting an education has [more]
The Dangers of Fad Dieting
by Martin Villa In popular culture, fad dieting refers to trendy, weight-loss methods that promise fast and easy results —at the risk of malnutrition or other mental and physical negative effects. These diets typically last a few weeks; not necessarily appealing to people’s desire to stay healthy, but a vain [more]
Poppy Life Care Named Top-Rated Nonprofit Two Years Running
by Martin Villa Newport Beach, CA (August 28, 2020) – For the second year in a row, Poppy Life Care has been named among the Top-Rated Nonprofits by GreatNonprofits, a leading website featuring reviews and comments on more than 1 million charities and nonprofit organizations. The 2020 Top-Rated Nonprofit award [more]
Keep Your “Gut Feeling”: Tips to Preserve Your Gut Microbes
by Shelly Xu, Poppy LIfe Care Nutritionist Program Manager The gut and brain are connected and in communication with each other; it’s called the gut-brain axis, and our microbiome may play an important role in this connection. A microbiome is a major ecological community of bacteria, viruses, yeast, and other [more]
Eat Well, Fight Well: Nutrition Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Shelly Yu Poppy Life Care Nutritional Program Manager We know the importance of hand washing, physical distancing and wearing face masks to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. Can good nutrition make a difference in the power of your immune system? The answer is a big YES! Here are [more]
Our Founder & Executive Director has been featured in an interview by SuperbCrew. Check it out here.
An Interview With Erica Solis, Founder & Executive Director Of Poppy Life Care Listen to this article Below is our recent interview with Erica Solis, Founder & Executive Director of Poppy Life Care: Q: For those who haven’t heard of it, what is the best way to describe Poppy Life [more]
Check out an article by Amen Clinics on alternatives to anti-anxiety pills
New Partnership Brings Free Legal Aid to Special Needs Families
by Martin Villa Newport Beach, CA (May 22, 2020) – Poppy Life Care has partnered with the Inclusive Education Project (IEP), a non-profit organization that provides legal advocacy and education to families of children living with a disability to bring those services to Poppy Life Care clients. Amanda Selogie, ESQ., [more]
Listen to IEPCA Podcast with our founder, Erica Solis
Recently, Poppy Life Care Founder and Executive Director, Erica Solis was featured on Inclusive Educational Project's IEPCA podcast, during which she talked about her transition from the business world to the non-profit world and how her personal experiences fueled her passion to create Poppy Life Care. The show highlights PLC's [more]
Activity Program Introduces “Remote Recess” for Children
by Martin Villa Newport Beach, CA (May 18, 2020) – Poppy Life Care has partnered with Pure Game to help impact children’s physical and mental health through the power of play. Pre-recorded “Remote Recess” videos are now featured on Poppy Life Care’s website, where customers can easily view and perform [more]
Meditation Misconceptions
by Martin Villa You can meditate while you do those tasks! The basis of mindfulness meditation is simply paying attention, on purpose. This makes it a good fit for integrating into other daily tasks such as taking a shower, walking your dog or cleaning up around the house. For more [more]
Staying Connected while Staying at Home
by Martin Villa Staying at home, while currently necessary, doesn’t have to be boring. It doesn’t even have to feel like a waste of time. Think of this as an opportunity to learn more about your kids and find a better way to connect with them. Or simply, improve yourself! [more]
How Reconnecting with Yoga Led to a More Peaceful Life
by Martin Villa Lori Lipke, a registered yoga instructor at Poppy Life Care Poppy Life Care yoga instructor Lori Lipke was 18 years old when she first practiced yoga. Although she did not understand yoga, she enrolled in class, attended some sessions, but she did not come back. Years later, [more]
by Martin Villa Newport Beach, CA, May 4, 2020: A new partnership has been developed between Poppy Life Care and SPL Life Coaching for families with special needs children. The partnership will bring both free and paid services to Poppy Life Care customers. Susanna Peace Lovell, SPL Life Coaching principal [more]
Read about our Founder and how Poppy Life Care is trend-setting in the mental healthcare industry
by Martin Villa "Every few months, starting at 5 years old, Erica Solis would pull everything out of her bedroom closet and drawers — every mismatched sock, paper clip and pair of shorts. She’d then carefully place each back, one by one, adapting the best organizational structure suited for her [more]
Check out COVID-19 local resources information and updates from American Academy of Pediatrics
Meditation 101: Simple and accessible tools for the whole family
by Martin Villa Our days easily fill up with things that we have to do, and self-care is usually at the bottom of the list. However, putting yourself last has consequences – there is a saying: You can’t pour from an empty cup! A daily meditation practice may reduce stress, [more]
Food Shopping Do’s and Don’ts during COVID-19 by Amen Clinics
Food Shopping Do’s and Don’ts for Coronavirus Americans are clearing grocery store shelves in light of the coronavirus pandemic. But is the food you’re buying going to sabotage your brain and increase your feelings of anxiety, depression, fear, and stress, or is it going to fuel your brain so you [more]
OC Health Care Agency publishes important information and latest updates on COVID-19
OC Health Care Agency publishes important information and latest updates on COVID-19 https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Frequently asked questions-CalOptima
Reducing Anxiety Through Therapeutic Gardening
by Martin Villa There is nothing more anxiety-inducing than change – especially when change is thrust upon us by circumstances largely out of our control. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the entire world in just a few short months, and it’s likely that things will continue to change for months [more]
COVID-19 Resources prepared by Clinic in the Park, an American Academy of Pediatrics
From the American Academy of Pediatrics-OC Chapter Website: Practical guidelines & key local resources in Orange County on COVID-19: https://www.aap-oc.org/covid-19-resources/ No Child Hungry Our goal is to identify food insecurity, poverty, and health issues experienced by our OC families, and to assist these families in getting the support and services [more]
Check out COVID-19 updates from California Department of Public Health
Hoag shares helpful information about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Hoag health care provider releases helpful tips to protect yourself from COVID-19.6 Daily habits to help prevent the spread of viruses Physical ContactAvoid close contact with people who are sick. Keep Hands Clean Clean your hands often. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers or wash your hands with soap and water for at [more]
Check out an article by WHO on Mental Health & Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak
Check out an article by WHO on Mental Health & Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak Click to access mental considerations.pdf
Erica Solis explains how her personal experiences fueled her passion to create Poppy Life Care
Recently, Poppy Life Care Founder and Executive Director Erica Solis was featured on Adam Torres's "Mission Matters" business podcast, during which she talked about why she founded Poppy Life Care and how it offers alternative care solutions for kids and families living with autism, ADHD, anxiety and depression. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2NgN9iznao&feature=emb_title
Poppy Life Care Brings Additional FREE Yoga Programs To Special Needs Community
by Martin Villa Newport Beach, CA, December 20, 2019 – Poppy Life Care, a new, non-profit organization empowering Orange County families with children impacted by spectrum and developmental disorders, recently debuted a free yoga program at the Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living. The initial response to the yoga [more]
How an Autistic Musician’s Personal Experience has Shaped His Teaching Methods
Jonathan Chase, now 36 years old, wasn’t diagnosed with autism until he was 14 and a freshman in high school. But he was always different. In grade school, because he didn’t fit in, he was a target of bullies. “It’s just a part of growing up,” the school’s staff would [more]
What a 6-year-old’s Question Revealed about ASD Prevalence
EnteDerek’s elementary school welcomed families to their annual event, Lunch With A Loved One, on October 17th 2019. The event provided an opportunity for parents to share lunch with their children in small picnic settings. Although not explicitly suggested, in the most effective use of the event, parents were also [more]
Poppy Life Care Foundation Named “2019 TOP-RATED NONPROFIT” by GreatNonprofits
by Martin Villa Award based on Outstanding Online Reviews COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA (October 21, 2019) –Poppy Life Care Foundation announced today it has been named “2019 Top-Rated Nonprofit” by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews of charities and nonprofits. Poppy Life Care Foundation provides easily accessible health services and [more]
Decide whether your child trick-or-treats with a blue basket. While some autism organizations are encouraging the use of the blue baskets so autistic children don’t have to go through the “who are you in that costume?” questionnaire at trick-or-treating houses, the blue basket also restricts children from a good socializing [more]
Are you a Dandelion or Orchid or do you fall somewhere in between?
My Grandmother told me that we are either Dandelions or Orchids. I didn’t really understand what she meant by that, but she explained that some of us are like Dandelions and some of us are like Orchids, just like the flowers. I created my own interpretation of what my Grandmother [more]