Poppy Life Care: Redefining Integrative Holistic Care

Poppy Life Care: Redefining Integrative Holistic Care


With a very consistent approach to mental health and wellness, Erica introduces a comprehensive range of integrative holistic modalities designed to complement traditional therapy. Poppy Life Care is in the pursuit of accessible, affordable, and insurance-covered alternative care solutions to individuals seeking comprehensive mental health support.

At Poppy Life Care, clients have access to a diverse array of integrative holistic therapies, including yoga, behavioral therapy, nutritional therapy, meditation, and mind therapy. Unlike traditional mental health services, Erica emphasizes an integrative holistic approach, addressing the mind, body, heart, and spirit to foster lasting healing and transformation.

“Our mission here is to revolutionize the mental health care industry by providing integrative holistic solutions that address the root causes of mental health challenges,” says the founder. “Drawing from personal experiences and a deep understanding of the complexities of mental health, we offer customized, trauma-informed care to support clients on their journey to wellness.” 

With a focus on meeting clients where they are and tailoring treatment plans to individual needs, Poppy Life Care empowers clients to take an active role in their healing journey. By combining clinical psychology with integrative holistic modalities, clients receive comprehensive support from a team of practitioners dedicated to their well-being.


“We believe in the power of integrative holistic healing to transform lives and promote overall wellness,” explains Erica. “Through consistent, personalized care and a commitment to empowering clients, we aim to revolutionize the mental health care industry and make integrative holistic solutions accessible to all.”

Poppy Life Care’s telehealth services provide clients with the flexibility to receive care from the comfort of their own homes, removing barriers to access and stigma associated with seeking mental health support. By integrating integrative holistic solutions into the mental health industry on a national scale, Erica seeks to reduce the prevalence of mental health cases and provide tools for sustainable healing. 

“We envision a future where mental health care is holistic, accessible, and stigma-free,” says Erica. “By guiding individuals to envision and achieve their goals, we strive to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.”