Provide Your Patients with Ongoing, Personalized Care When They Need it Most
Provide Your Patient Population with Ongoing, Personalized Care When They Need it Most
Help patients improve their mental health, behavior, and mood with customized holistic wellness programs perfect for any phase along the continuum of care.
Holistic Wellness Resources To Build Healthier Habits
For Patients’ Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit
Holistic Wellness Resources To Build Healthier Habits For Patients’ Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit
Benefits to Increasing Holistic Wellness Access & Care
Benefits to Increasing Holistic Wellness Access & Care
How it Works
Every patient is unique, so every Poppy Life Care Plan is customized to keep them happy, healthy, and motivated with specialized support and continual guidance along your continuum of care.
When a new patient is enrolled, their treatment plan is based on individual preferences and levels of need. Here’s what to expect.
Poppy Life Plan Features
Poppy Life Plan Features
The Poppy Life Plan supports lifestyle changes and provides tools to build healthy habits that reinforce positive thinking and improved communication skills.
Our professional, licensed providers use clinically proven techniques, like MBSR therapy, to achieve sustainable change that result in clinically sound, positive cultural shifts.