Sound & Music Therapy
Sound & Music Therapy
Have fun singing popular songs and new ones, while developing confidence and self-esteem with every note! Our six-week therapeutic vocal class is designed for students age 7 to 17 and covers the basics of singing techniques, including warm-ups, body posture and relaxation necessary to sing properly.

Feel the Power of Music
Feel the Power of Music
In addition to helping you relax, sound and music therapy has the ability to help you break through physical barriers. Autism, high blood pressure, depression, sleep difficulties, stress, and anxiety have all been known to be improved with the use of sound therapy.
How Sound Therapy Helps
How Sound Therapy Helps
Your body’s intrinsic rhythms, such as your heart rate, breathing, hormone levels, and brain waves, are altered by sound. Your sensations, moods, and psychological states are influenced by your emotions and by music. Your capacity to think and work is affected by your productivity level.