
Cindy Delgado

Wellness Coach

Cindy is a compassionate and empathetic guide dedicated to empowering individuals to discover their passions and live a purposeful life. She attended Penn State University, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology, later pursuing a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Cindy has cultivated a deep understanding of human relationships, wellness, and personal growth.

She approaches wellness coaching with a holistic mindset, empowering individuals to nurture their mind, body, and spirit. With a deep affinity for the ocean’s vastness and nature’s serenity, she finds peace and inner calmness in the tranquility of the natural world. The rhythmic expression of dance is another passion that nourishes her soul, reflecting the dynamic interplay between movement and emotion. A devoted animal lover, she has a special place in her heart for all creatures, and has been known to provide care and refuge to those in need. With a creative soul, she also finds expression and joy in writing, using the written word to process, reflect, and connect with others. Her commitment to social responsibility has been a lifelong journey, having previously volunteered to feed and clothe those experiencing homelessness. While her focus is currently centered on guiding others toward balanced living, her dedication to the well-being of all beings remains unwavering, influencing the compassionate and supportive care she provides to her clients.

