Bronze Subscription

Your Subscription

Subscription Type(Required)

Subscription Add-Ons

All add-ons will be included as a recurring service subscription and paid monthly until you cancel the service.
30 Min Nutrition Consult(Required)
Gain tools in how to improve your gut-health, hormone health and create more balance in your daily diet through habit building techniques.
60 Min Private Yoga In-Person Session(Required)
Gain tools in mindful movement, along with tips on how to integrate a yogi mindset, create an at home practice and additional wellness coaching tools.
60 Min 1:1 Private Mindfulness Session(Required)
Gain deeper insights on how to integrate mindfulness in your daily life along with guided practices, techniques and coaching.
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Moderate symptoms related to mental health or behavioral health issues. Create balance in life.


  • Downloadable wellness guides + education + meditations + virtual wellness
  • Groups Sessions as they become available

  • 1:1 Session with Coach/Practitioner Assigned. 30 minute sessions offered 2x a month

90 Day Minimum Commitment
15-day Free Trial